In an epic battle between good and evil in the souls of men, four normal, broken people take God at His word, and live the kind of life described in the Bible. Living like Elijah, Moses, or one of the Apostles. Although each of the characters comes from a crushing past, they are called to a greater purpose, and step up to the battle.
This book is an emotional tour de force. The author knows exactly how to build a character from the ground (the muck) up. Each character takes on a personal tone and their battles became my battles as I read.
Inspirational? Yes. Convicting? Double yes.
I am reminded by this novel of my own spiritual battles. Am I really riding forward, or am I falling behind and letting other soldiers step up and take my place? Through a tenacious gift of story telling, the author has blown the horn to battle, and I find my heart thrilled to step forward and take my place with my Commander and the sword of His spirit.
“The final lesson is learning to love. The lesson is discovering that within you lies the willingness to lay down your life for others. That is love.”
I received a copy of this book from the publisher through Netgalley in exchange for an honest, not necessarily positive review.